How I started VLSI Chaps?

VLSI Chaps
4 min readMay 25, 2021

Just with a click!!

No, It is not a business, but just a passionate community.
One day, while discussing my passion for things with my friend, I mentioned, “just like you, I also like to help people.” She said, “I have not seen you going beyond your comfort zone to help people around.”

She was partially correct. I asked one of my friends, “How to help people with my knowledge?”

He is a die-hard marketing guy. He asked the intentions, I said, “Just helping people with my knowledge of VLSI field”.

He said, “Create some community on social media platform”.

I did not agree as this can affect my professional life.

But they say, “A will will find a way”. As one of my ex boss once told me over something that, “When you share your confidential or any matter with someone, the person may not help but there is always a chance of damage to us.” Thus I chose to be anonymous. I started with Telegram. A simple name of the group VLSIChaps.

Gradually 10 people joined. In a few months, 100 people joined, 1000 joined in a few more months.

I kept on helping people, with their queries, job postings, material requirements, book suggestions, interview question suggestions, interview preparation suggestions, tool suggestions, exam preparations, quizzes, etc.
I gradually got joined by kind and alike people. They also started helping each other as a family. Even if I am busy for some days, people keep helping each other.

Life gave some serious ups and downs. The only thing I gradually accepted was standing up back to life with even better conviction and vision. I kept on working with the mission. Slowly, gradually a few people joined the content creation process. We strategized the videos, topics, pain points of the learners and worked. It is not an easy task to keep creating content and coming out with something new that often. It needs belief in own thought process.

Today, the community VLSIChaps on telegram has reached 7000+ VLSI students, VLSI professionals, VLSI enthusiasts. I get joy when people be glad by getting help, I am so glad seeing unknown people helping each other even without knowing each other.

Gradually I brought VLSIChaps on all other platforms like www, YouTube (41k Views), Instagram, Quora (2 Lacs+ Reads), LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, and any other platforms you ever imagine. :-D

Yes, it was not easy to handle things on these many platforms, the skills needed were, image editing, video recording, video editing, content creation, material management, multiple apps to be handled, answering the messages from young kids, subscribers, followers etc., parallel to the regular public life I am living. I kept it so confidential that only 3 people knew that who is behind VLSI Chaps.

The growth on YouTube as of April 2022

I am so glad to see the community prospering without even the involvement of a single penny. Yes, this is my business model, my VLSIChaps family’s business model, of ‘selling’ help, guidance, experience, tips for blessings, happiness, and positivity.

The image below shows the example of why I called it a family.

Even without knowing one of the members personally, the whole family prayed for his father hospitalized for 20 days. And by God’s grace, his father got healthy and alright.

I also see people thanking each other as shown below,

Which gives me immense pleasure.

100s of such stories are there.

People from industry even asked for types of work, referring appropriate candidates etc. I have been able to connect the people with other people or resources or opportunities. When I receive the message that, “I have cracked the interview, Thank you for referring.” It gives different level of satisfaction. Many a times people came to offer money or funds. Which I denied.

I am having the dream of making the largest ever community of VLSI worldwide which helps learners FREE OF COST.

Regular members ask me many a times when we will get to know, Who is Max, the admin of VLSI Chaps? Yes, I will reveal the identity at the correct time.

If you are a VLSI enthusiast or electrical/ electronics/ computer science engineering student, fresher or professional, join the community VLSIChaps.

Today the community works and helps in almost all corners of VLSI.

To join, search VLSIChaps on telegram.

